Real Hoverbike

Brought to you by aerospace firm Aerofex, the bike runs on a pair of powerful fans. It picks up on instinctive movements people make while riding a bicycle or motorbike, then moves in the same way (except, you know, flying), meaning anyone can have a go at it. For safety reasons, they’ve tested it at 30 mph and 15 feet high, although earlier versions of it went as fast as a helicopter. Read More

Building Storyworlds

This fall I’ll be teaching Building Storyworlds – the art, craft & biz of storytelling in 21C at Columbia Unversity again. We’ll be inviting guest speakers, mentors and collaborators from around the world to join us digitally. One of the goals of the course is to open the design process and share much of what we do within the class as possible. If you’re interested in participating let us, know we’d love to hear from you.

Your own personal environment monitor

Lapka is a personal environment monitor that connects to a mobile phone enabling the user to collect, measure and analyze Radiation, Organic, EMF and Humidty. The fact sheet defines it as a highly sensitive monitor that responds to an invisible world of particles, ions, molecules and waves, so it can analyze your surroundings and smartly combine the results into guideline values for your comfort.

Little Printer

Berg have developed a “Little Printer” that bridges the physical and digital world. Printer management is handled through a mobile app enabling users to curate todo lists, blog feeds, 4square checkins, tweets and status updates. A wireless bridge called Berg Cloud helps the device to effortlessly print you a daily mini-newspaper. Added bouns the printer is inkless – it prints in black on white thermochromic paper.

From the little printer site:

Little Printer lives in your home, bringing you news, puzzles and gossip from friends. Use your smartphone to set up subscriptions and Little Printer will gather them together to create a timely, beautiful miniature newspaper.